Oxford Roman Economy Project University of Oxford


Related centres and projects at Oxford University


International Collaborations


Structural Determinants of Economic Performance in the Roman World. A Research Network based in Flandres (Ghent, Leuven, Brussels; 2012-2016).



A Catalogue of Ancient Ports and Harbours. A catalogue of c. 4000 ancient ports with downloads, bibliography, and furthern information on ancient ships, measures, maps, etc.

Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilisations. Harvard-based project. Offers a series of maps and geodatabases bearing on multiple aspects of Roman and medieval civilization in the broadest terms.

The Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire.

Ancient World Mapping Center. A project based out of the University of North Carolina, which continues the work of the Classical Atlas Project. It includes a collection of resources (such as shapefiles) for digital mapping.

Omnes Viae: Dutch project with a reconstruction of the Tabula Peutingeriana projected on Google Maps, also including a route-planning facility.

ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World. An interactive model that reconstructs the cost (time and financial) of travel in antiquity.

Documents and Epigraphy



EDCS - Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss-Slaby. Extremely large database that records almost all Latin inscriptions. If you cannot find it here, it may not exist. Started and maintained Manfred Clauss

EDH - Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg. Large database including an Epigraphic Text Database, an Epigraphic Bibliography and a Photographic Database. Particularly good at inscriptions outside the main editions.


Papyri.info. A website dedicated to the study of ancient papyrological documents. It offers links to papyrological resources, a customized search engine, and an editing application, the Papyrological Editor, which contributors can use to suggest emendations to texts. It includes the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.

APIS (Advanced Papyrological Information System). APIS is a collections-based repository hosting information about and images of papyrological materials (e.g. papyri, ostraca, wood tablets, etc) located in collections around the world.



Pompeian Households. A database of Pompeian houses and their contents

Insula of the Menander. A database of finds from the Insula of the Menander, Pompeii.

Artefacts. An online encyclopaedia of archaeological objects.

Instrumentum. A research group on crafts and manufactured products in antiquity.



Amphoras. Database focusing on amphorae - plain, unglazed, ceramic storage containers, with two handles, mostly pointed at the bottom, used to carry wine, oil, fish, and other commodities around the ancient Mediterranean.

Amphoreus. The on-line database of the 'Bulletin Amphorologique' edited by the Revue des études grecques.

Roman Amphorae: a digital resource. An online introductory resource for the study of Roman amphorae by the Amphorae Project at the University of Southampton.

Potsherd. Atlas of Roman Pottery. A database on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe.



Roman Provincial Coinage Online. Database of provincial coinage of the Roman Empire.

The Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coinage. A project investigating the chemical composition and metallurgical structure of Roman silver coinage.

Coin hoards of the Roman Republic Online. A database of Roman Republican coin hoards from 155 BC to AD 2.

Online Coins of the Roman Empire. A catalogue of coins from 30 BC to AD 211.

The European Coin Find Network. The ECFN brings together numismatists across Europe to discuss their projects and encourage collaboration.

Coinage of the Roman Republic Online (CRRO). Provides access to multiple online collections and digital projects using Linked Open Data.

Archaeological Projects


MAGIS (Mediterranean Archaeology GIS). An inventory of regional survey projects in the greater Mediterranean region.

Entrepots et lieux de Stockage dans le monde antique. A research project funded by the French National Research Agency

Building Tabernae. A project investigating urban commercial space in Roman Italy.

Archaeological Sites


Other Resources


Urbanism and the Roman World. A site by John Hanson with useful links, resources, and further information on his research into Roman urbanism.

Webdesign, databasedesign: Miko Flohr, 2010-2025. Content: OXREP, 2005-2025.