Oxford Roman Economy Project University of Oxford

Geld eint, Geld trennt Conference


'Geld eint, Geld trennt' 2: Coinage, Regionalism and Identities
24–25 November 2017
The Old Library, All Souls College, University of Oxford.

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Cluster 6 (Arbeitsgruppe 3: "Geld eint, Geld trennt") and the Oxford Roman Economy Project (OxREP)

- Registration closed -


There is no registration fee, but those wishing to attend should should register by 17 November.

Places are limited and registration will be necessary so that we can estimate numbers.
For any further information contact David Wigg-Wolf at david.wigg-wolf@dainst.de


Programme & Abstracts

Friday 24th November


Pierre-Yves Milcent (University of Toulouse),
Metal hoarding practices, pre-monetary exchanges and cultural networks in the North-West of France (13th–5th c. BC)
11:00   John Creighton (University of Reading)
Objects of adornment, self-identity and the evolution of social currencies in Iron Age Britain
11:40   Coffee

Marleen Termeer (University of Leiden)
Coinage and regionalism in Italy during the Roman conquest
12:50   Suzanne Frey-Küpper (University of Warwick)
‘…utuntur omnes uno genere nummorum?’ From division to unity? Sicily and satellite island
1:30   Lunch

David Weidgenannt (Goethe University, Frankfurt)
Shared Identities? Cooperative and Civic Coinages in Greek Federal States (5th–1st Century BC)
3:20   Ulrike Wolf (Goethe University, Frankfurt)
Coinage as a means of communication in the Western Mediterranean c. 500–100 BC
4:00   Coffee

Thomas Schattner (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
Blown up! Roman coins and their figurative representations as prototypes for Northern Hispanic funerary stele
5:00   Johannes Nollé ( Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
The Shaping Impact of Regional Traditions and Roman Province Borders on Asia Minor’s Local Coinage During the Roman Empire
5:40   Jérémie Chameroy (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz)
Civic and regional coinage at Elaia (Aiolis), port of Pergamum, and the construct of a common identity in Aiolis, Mysia and Lydia
6:30   Wine reception

Dinner for speakers


Saturday 25th November

Hülya Vidin ( Goethe University, Frankfurt)
Coinage and identity in Caria in the transition from the Hellenistic to the Roman period. The case study of Alabanda
9:40   Dario Calomino ( University of Warwick)
The Levant after Septimius Severus: regional patterns and local identities in the coinage of the oriental provinces
10:20    Marguerite Spoerri  (University of Oxford)
Presence and absence of imperial portrait on Roman provincial coins: some thoughts on local, regional and imperial policies
11:00   Coffee

Clare Rowan (University of Warwick)
 Tokens, coinage and identities in the city of Rome
12:00   Denise Wilding (University of Warwick)
 The lead tokens of Graeco-Roman Egypt: A re- examination in the context of local and provincial identities
12:40   Lunch
1:40   Johan van Heesch (Coin Cabinet, Royal Library of Belgium)
Regionalism on the coinage of the Late Roman Empire
2:20        David Wigg-Wolf ( Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
Creating identities in the Northern Barbaricum
3:00   Tea

Ruth Pliego ( Institut d´études avancées, Paris)
Tracing the identity of the Germanic people through their coins: the case of the Visigoths
4:00   Martin Allen ( Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge)
Coinage and National Identities in the British Isles, 1066–c. 1300
4:40   Discussion



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