Oxford Roman Economy Project University of Oxford

Special Lectures by Professor Jean-Pierre Brun


Jean-Pierre Brun, Professor of Ancient Mediterranean Technologies and Economies at the Collège de France (Paris), will be giving four seminars on technology and the Roman economy in Oxford this term. All lectures will take place in the Institute of Archaeology Lecture Room. Two are special lectures, on Tuesdays of weeks 1 and 3; and two are inserted in the regular seminar programme of the Roman Discussion Forum. All are welcome.

Tuesday 24 April (1st week), 2 p.m.:
The Roman harbour of Telo Martius (Var): urbanism and economic activities.

Wednesday 25 April (1st week): 1 p.m. (Roman Discussion Forum):
The archaeology of water-mills in Roman Italy

Tuesday 8 May (3rd week): 2 p.m.:
Roman water-mills in Tres Galliae and in Germania Superior

Wednesday 9 May (3rd week): 1 p.m. (Roman Discussion Forum):
Roman water-mills in Gallia Narbonensis

April 24-24, 2012:
JP Brun: The Roman harbour of Telo Martius (Var).


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

May 08-08, 2012:
JP Brun: Roman water-mills in Tres Galliae and in Germania Superior.


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

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