Oxford Roman Economy Project University of Oxford

Roman Discussion Forum


The Roman Discussion Forum of Trinity Term 2011 has several papers closely related to the themes of the Oxford Roman Economy Project. Relevant speakers include Stacey McGowen, Janice Kinory, Kris Lockyear, Cathy King and Jack Hanson.


Wednesday May 18th
Felicitas Temporum, a Frumentarius, and the Arch of Dativius Victor at Mainz
Stacey McGowen, University of Oxford

Wednesday May 25th
Early Roman Salt Production in Britannia
Janice Kinory, University of Oxford

Wednesday June 1st
The devil is in the detail: politics, economics and the study of Roman Republican coin hoards
Dr. Kris Lockyear, UCL

Wednesday June 15th
Interpreting Coin Finds; Small Late Roman Copper Coins from Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean and their function (4th to 6th Centuries)
Dr. Cathy King, Ashmolean Museum

Wednesday June 22nd
Sizing up Roman Urbanism
Jack Hanson, University of Oxford

May 18-18, 2011:


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

May 25-25, 2011:


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

June 01-01, 2011:


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

June 15-15, 2011:


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

June 22-22, 2011:


School of Archaeology, Lecture Room. All Welcome.

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