New OSRE volumes now published:
André Tchernia's The Romans and Trade brings together the author's previously published essays, updated and revised, with recent notes and an entirely new synthesis of his views on Roman commerce and the people involved in it. (06 October 2016)
Paperbacks are also now available for:
A. K. Bowman and A. I. Wilson (eds), Settlement, Urbanization, and Population. (OUP, 13 October 2016)
A. K. Bowman and A. I. Wilson (eds), The Roman Agricultural Economy: Organization, Investment, and Production. (OUP, 13 October 2016)
P. Kay, Rome’s Economic Revolution. (OUP, 13 October 2016)
The latest OSRE volume is now available for pre-order:
The Economy of Pompeii, edited Miko Flohr and Andrew Wilson, presents fourteen papers by Roman archaeologists and historians, discusses approaches to the economic history of Pompeii, and the role of the Pompeian evidence in debates about the Roman economy.
Publication date: 15 December 2016 (Estimated)