Oxford Roman Economy Project University of Oxford

Peroj: Salvella


Coordinates: 44.952534°N 13.797308°E

Site: Peroj

Abandonment: before 999

Construction: before 999

References:Franceschini 1998, 510Matijasic 1994, 56; http://archives.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/11/02/ancient.shipwreck/index.html R. Ballard et al., AJA 105 (2001), 607-23, at p. 616
C. Ward and B. Ballard, IJNA 33 (2004), 2-13
C. Ward and R. Horlings, The remote exploration and archaeological survey of four Byzantine ships in the Black Sea, in R. Ballard, ed., Archaeological Oceanography (2008, Princeton University Press), pp. 148-173

Timbers can be seen but it's not definite that they belong to this wreck. However the ship 's estimated length is 18m.

Associated artefacts

Press (2)

11-- 118See File
21-- 119See File

Webdesign, databasedesign: Miko Flohr, 2010-2024. Content: OXREP, 2005-2024.