Oxford Roman Economy Project University of Oxford

Zooarchaeology Bibliography



Compiled by Angela Trentacoste. Version 1.1, December 2015.
Many thanks to members of the ICAZ Roman Period Working Group
for assisting with the development of this resource.

 You can also download the bibliography.
Formats include PDF, XML, Endnote, and Zotero file types.


General: key regional and thematic overviews

Albarella, U. (2002). ''Size matters': how and why biometry is still important in zooarchaeology', in K. Dobney and T. O'Connor (eds), Bones and the Man: Studies in Honour of Don Brothwell. Oxford, 51-62.

André, J. (1998). Essen und Trinken im alten Rom. Stuttgart.

Bökönyi, S. (1974). History of Domestic Mammals in Central and Eastern Europe. Budapest.

Campbell, G. L. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Animals in Classical Thought and Life. Oxford.

Ervynck, A. and Vanderhoeven, A. (1997). 'Tongeren (Belgium): changing patterns of meat consumption in a roman civitas capital', Anthropozoologica 25-26: 457-64.

Grant, A. (2004). 'Domestic animals and their uses', in M. Todd (ed.), A Companion to Roman Britain. Oxford, 371-92.

Johnstone, C. J. (2004). A Biometric Study of Equids in the Roman World. PhD dissertation. University of York: http://www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/staff/research-staff/cluny-johnstone/#publications.

Keller, O. (1909-1913). Die antike Tierwelt. Leipzig.

King, A. C. (1999). 'Animals and the Roman army: the evidence of animal bones', in A. Goldsworthy and I. Haynes (eds), The Roman Army as a Community. Portsmouth, 200-11.

King, A. C. (1999). 'Diet in the Roman world: a regional inter-site comparison of the mammal bones', Journal of Roman Archaeology 12.1: 168-202.

King, A. C. (2001). 'The Romanization of diet in the western Empire: comparative archaeozoological studies', in S. Keay and N. Terrenato (eds), Italy and the West: Comparative Issues in Romanization. Oxford, 210-23.

Lauwerier, R. (1986). 'The role of meat in the Roman diet', Endeavour 10: 208-12.

Lauwerier, R. (1988). Animals in Roman Times in the Dutch Eastern River Area (Nederlands Oudheden 12/1). Amersfoort.

Lauwerier, R. (2004). 'The economic and non-economic animal: Roman depositions and offerings', in A. Lentacker, A. Ervynck, and W. Van Neer (eds), Behaviour Behind Bones: The zooarchaeology of ritual, religion, status and identity. Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference, Durham 2002. Oxford, 66-72.

Luff, R.-M. (1982). A Zooarchaeological Study of the Roman North-Western Provinces (British Archaeological Reports International Series 137). Oxford.

MacKinnon, M. (2007). 'Osteological research in Classical Archaeology', American Journal of Archaeology 111.3: 473-504.

Meadows, K. (1994). 'You are what you eat: diet, identity and romanization', in S. Cottam, D. Dungworth, S. Scott, and J. Taylor (eds), TRAC 1994: Proceedings of the Fourth Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Oxford, 133-40.

Peters, J. (1998). Römische Tierhaltung und Tierzucht: eine Synthese aus archäozoologischer Untersuchung und schriftlich-bildlicher Überlieferung. Rahden (Westf.).

Pluskowski, A. (2010). 'The zooarchaeology of medieval Christendom: ideology, the treatment of animals and the making of medieval Europe', World Archaeology 42.2: 201-14.

Toynbee, J. (1973). Animals in Roman Life and Art. London.

White, K. D. (1970). Roman Farming. London.



Albarella, U. (2005). 'Alternate fortunes? The role of domestic ducks and geese from Roman to Medieval times in Britain', in G. Grupe and J. Peters (eds), Feathers, Grit and Symbolism: Birds and humans in the Old and New Worlds. (Documenta Archaeobiologiae 3). Rahden, 249-58.

de Grossi Mazzorin, J. (2005). 'Introduzione e diffusione del pollame in Italia ed evoluzione delle sue forme di allevamento fino al Medioevo', in I. Fiore, G. Malerba, and S. Chilardi (eds), Atti del 3º Convengo Nazionale di Archeozoologia. (Siracusa, 3-5 novembre 2000. Studi di Paletnologia II, Collana del Bullettino di Paletnologia italiana). Rome, 351-60.

Maltby, M. (1997). 'Domestic fowl on Romano-British sites: inter-site comparisons of abundance', International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 7: 402-14.


Butchery and craft

Borgard, P., Forest, V., Bioul-Pelletier, C., and Pelletier, L. (2002). '«Passer les peaux en blanc»: une pratique gallo-romaine? L'apport du site de Sainte-Anne à Dijon (Côte-d'Or)', in F. Audoin-Rouzeau and S. Beyries (eds), Le travail du cuir de la préhistoire à nos joursXXIIe rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes. Antibes, 231-49.

De Cupere, B., Van Neer, W., and Lentacker, A. (1993). 'Some aspects of the bone-working industry in Roman Sagalassos (Burdur Province, Turkey)', in M. Waelkens and J. Poblome (eds), Sagalassos II. Report on the third excavation campaign 1992. (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae 6). 269-78.

Driel-Murray, C. v. (2011). 'Are we missing something? The elusive tanneries of the Roman period', in R. Thomson and Q. Mould (eds), Leather Tanneries. The archaeological evidence. London, 69-83.

Lignereux, Y. and Peters, J. (1997). 'Techniques de boucherie et rejets osseux en Gaule romaine', Anthropozoologica 24: 45-98.

Maltby, M. (2006). 'Salt and animal products: linking production and use in Iron Age Britain', in M. Maltby (ed.), Integrating Zooarchaeology. Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference, Durham, August 2002. Oxford, 117-22.

Maltby, M. (2007). 'Chop and change: specialist cattle carcass processing in Roman Britain', in B. Croxford, N. Ray, and R. Roth (eds), TRAC 2006: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Oxford, 59-76.

Markert, D. (1990). 'Knochenbefund einer Gerberei: Haus zum Bogen, Schaffhausen', in J. Schibler, J. Sedlmeier, and H. Spycher (eds), Festschrift für Hans R. Stampfli Beiträge zur Archäozoologie, Archäologie, Anthropologie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Basel, 121-6.

O’Connor, T. P. (1988). Bones from the General Accident Site, Tanner Row (The Archaeology of York 15.2, The Animal Bones). London.

Rodet-Belarbi, I. and Lemoine, Y. (2010). 'Objets et déchets de l’artisanat de l’os, du bois de cerf et de l’ivoire à Fréjus (Var), de la période romaine à l’Antiquité tardive', Revue Archéologique de la Narbonnaise 43: 369-427.

Rodet-Belarbi, I. and Minni, D. (2011). 'L’exploitation de la matière dure animale entre la fin de l’âge du Fer et le début de l’époque romaine', in M. Reddé, P. Barral, F. Favory, J.-P. Guillaumet, M. Joly, J.-Y. Marc, P. Nouvel, L. Nuninger, and C. Petit (eds), Aspects de la romanisation dans l’Est de la Gaule. Glux-en-Glenne, 909-16.

Rodet-Belarbi, I. and Yvinec, J. H. (1990). 'Boucheries et dépotoirs de boucherie gallo-romains', Anthropozoologica 13: 19-26.

Seetah, K. (2006). 'Multidisciplinary approach to Romano-British cattle butchery', in M. Maltby (ed.), Integrating Zooarchaeology. Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference, Durham, August 2002. Oxford, 109-16.

Serjeanston, D. (1989). 'Animal remains and the tanning trade', in D. Serjeantson and T. Waldron (eds), Diet and Crafts in Towns: The evidence of animal remains from the Roman to the Post-Medieval periods. (British Archaeological Reports 199). Oxford, 129-46.

St. Clair, A. (2003). Carving as Craft: Palatine east and the Greco-Roman bone and ivory carving tradition. Baltimore.

Van Driel-Murray, C. (1985). 'The production and supply of military leatherwork in the first and second centuries AD: a review of the archaeological evidence', in M. C. Bishop (ed.), The Production and Distribution of Roman Military Equipment. (British Archaeological Reports International Series 275). Oxford, 43-81.

Van Driel-Murray, C. (2002). 'Ancient skin processing and the impact of Rome on tanning technology', in F. Audoin-Rouzeau and S. Beyries (eds), Le travail du cuir de la préhistoire à nos jours, XXIIe rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes vols. Antibes, 251-65.

Vanderhoeven, A. and Ervynck, A. (2007). 'Not in my back yard? The industry of secondary animal products within the Roman civitas capital of Tongeren (Belgium)', in R. Hingley and S. Willis (eds), Promoting Roman Finds: Context and theory. Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Durham, July 2002. Oxford, 156-75.


Roman Military

King, A. C. (1984). 'Animal bones and the dietary identity of military and civilian groups in Roman Britain, Germany and Gaul', in T. Blagg and A. King (eds), Military and Civilian in Roman Britain. (British Archaeological Reports 136). Oxford, 187-217.

King, A. C. (1999). 'Animals and the Roman army: the evidence of the animal bones', in A. Goldsworthy and I. Haynes (eds), The Roman Army as a Community. Portsmouth, 200-11.

Stallibrass, S. and Thomas, R. (eds) (2008). Feeding the Roman Army: the Archaeology of Production and Supply in NW Europe. Oxford.

Toplyn, M. R. (1994). Meat for Mars: Livestock, limitanei, and pastoral provisioning for the Roman army on the Arabian frontier, A.D. 284-551. PhD Dissertation, Harvard University.

Van Neer, W. (1997). 'Archaeozoological data on the food provisioning of Roman settlements in the Eastern Desert of Egypt', Archaeozoologia 9: 137-54.



Altuna, J. (1980). 'Historia de la domesticación animal en el País Vasco desde sus orígenes hasta la Romanización', Munibe 32: 1-152.

Castaños Ugarte, P. M. (1997). 'El pastoreo y la ganadería durante la romanización en el País Vasco', Isturitz Cuadernos de Prehistoria - Arqueología 9: 659-68.

Castaños Ugarte, P. M. and Escribano, O. (2010). 'Transporte y consumo de ostras durante la romanización en el norte de la Peninsula Ibérica', Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia 61: 235-42.

Colominas Barberà, L., Schlumbaum, A., and Saña, M. (2014). 'The impact of the Roman Empire on animal husbandry practices: study of the changes in cattle morphology in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula through osteometric and ancient DNA analyses', Archaeol Anthrop Sci 6: 1-16.

Colominas Barberà, L. e. a. (2015). 'Detecting the T1 cattle haplogroup in the Iberian Peninsula from Neolithic to Medieval times: new clues to continuous cattle migration through time', Journal of Archaeological Science 59: 110-7.

Colominas, L. (2013). Arqueozoología y Romanización. Producción, Distribución y Consumo de animales en el noreste de la Península Ibérica entre los siglos V ane-V dne (British Archaeological Reports International Series 2480). Oxford.

Colominas, L. and Saña, M. (2009). 'Animal husbandry in the north-east of Catalonia from the 1st century AD to the 5th century AD: improvement and importation', Studies on the rural world in the roman period 4: 9-26.

Davis, S. (2006). Faunal remains from Alcáçova de Santarém, Portugal (Trabalhos de Arqueologia). Lisboa.

Davis, S. (2007). 'Mammal and bird remains from the Iron Age and Roman periods at Castro Marim, Algarve', in Trabalhos do CIPA. 107. Lisboa.

Davis, S. J. M. (2008). 'Zooarchaeological evidence for Moslem and Christian improvements of sheep and cattle in Portugal', Journal of Archaeological Science 35.4: 991-1010.

Fernández Rodríguez, C. (2003). Ganadería, caza y animales de compañía en la Galicia romana: estudio arqueozoológico (Brigantium: Boletín do Museu Arqueolóxico e Histórico da Coruña 15). La Coruña.

Fernández Rodrîguez, C. (2003). Ganadería, caza y animals de compañia en la Galicia Romana: Estudio arqueozoológico (Brigantium 15). Corunna.

García Prósper, E., Polo Cerdá, M., Romero Rameta, A., and Iborra, P. (2010). 'Rituales alimentarios y economía de subsistencia en las tumbas de cámara de la necrópolis romana de la calle Quart de Valentia (ss. II aC-III dC)', Saguntum Extra 9: 233-42.

Grau-Sologestoa, I. (2015). 'Livestock management in Spain from Roman to post-medieval times: a biometrical analysis of cattle, sheep/goat and pig', Journal of Archaeological Science 54: 123-34.

Padrós, N. and Valenzuela Lamas, S. (2010). 'La Llosa and Els Antigons, an approach to stockbreeding in the villae of the ager Tarraconensis. 3rd - 6th centuries AD', in M. Prevosti Monclús and J. Guitart Duran (eds), Ager Tarraconensis, vol. 1. Barcelona, 200-6.



Albarella, U. (2007). 'The end of the Sheep Age: people and animals in the Late Iron Age', in C. Haselgrove and T. Moore (eds), The Later Iron Age in Britain and Beyond. Oxford, 393-406.

Albarella, U., Johnstone, C., and Vickers, K. (2008). 'The development of animal husbandry from the Late Iron Age to the end of the Roman period: a case study from South-East Britain', Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 1828-48.

Albarella, U. and Pirnie, T. (2008). A Review of Animal Bone Evidence from Central England. (ADS Collection 768). York, Archaeology Data Service. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5284/1000317.

Grant, A. (1989). 'Animals in Roman Britain', in M. Todd (ed.), Research on Roman Britain 1960-89. (Britannia Monograph Series 11). London, 135-46.

Grant, A. (2004). 'Domestic animals and their uses', in M. Todd (ed.), A Companion to Roman Britain. Oxford, 371-92.

Hambleton, E. (1999). Animal Husbandry Regimes in Iron Age Britain: A Comparative Study of Faunal Assemblages from British Iron Age Sites (BAR British Series 282). Oxford.

Hambleton, E. (2008). Review of Middle Bronze Age - Late Iron Age faunal assemblages from Southern Britain (Research Department Report Series 71-2008). Portsmouth.

Hesse, R. (2011). 'Reconsidering animal husbandry and diet in the northwest provinces', Journal of Roman Archaeology 24: 215-48.

King, A. C. (1978). 'A comparative survey of bones assemblages from Roman sites in Britain', Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 15: 207-32.

King, A. C. (1988). 'Villas and animal bones', in K. Branigan and D. Miles (eds), Villa Economies. Economic aspects of Romano-British villas. Sheffield, 51-9.

Madgwick, R., Sykes, N., Miller, H., Symmons, R., Morris, J., and Lamb, A. (2013). 'Fallow deer (Dama dama dama) management in Roman South-East Britain', Archaeol Anthrop Sci 5.2: 111-22.

Maltby, M. (1981). 'Iron Age, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon animal husbandry: a review of the faunal evidence', in M. Jones and G. Dimbleby (eds), The Environment of Man: The Iron Age to the Anglo-Saxon period. Oxford, 155-203.

Maltby, M. (1984). 'Animal bones and the Romano-British economy', in C. Grigson and J. Clutton-Brock (eds), Animals and Archaeology, vol. 4. Husbandry in Europe. Oxford, 125-38.

Maltby, M. (2002). 'Animal bones in archaeology: how archaeozoologists can make a greater contribution to British Iron Age and Romano-British archaeology', in K. Dobney and T. O'Connor (eds), Bones and the Man: Studies in honour of Don Brothwell. Oakville, CT, 88-94.

Maltby, M. (2010). Feeding a Roman Town: Environmental evidence from excavations in Winchester, 1972-1985. Winchester.

Maltby, M. (2015). 'Commercial archaeology, zooarchaeology and the study of Romano-British towns', in N. Holbrook and M. Fulford (eds), The Towns of Roman Britain: The contribution of commercial archaeology since 1990. (Britannia Monograph 27). London, 175-93.

O’Connor, T. P. (1988). Bones from the General Accident Site, Tanner Row (The Archaeology of York 15.2, The Animal Bones). London.



Argant, T. (2001). L’alimentation d’origine animale à Lyon (des origins au XXe siècle). Université Lumière-Lyon 2.

Audoin-Rouzeau, F. (1995). 'La taille des animaux d’élevage à l’époque romaine et leur exportation', in Homme et animal dans l’antiquité romaine, Actes du colloque de Nantes (1991), Caesarodunum. Tours, 79-100.

Columeau, P. (1991). L’animal pour l’homme: Recherches sur l’alimentation carnée dans le sud de la France du Néolithique au Moyen Âge d’après les vestiges osseux, vol. I. Le monde rural (Travaux du Centre Camille Jullian 9). Saint Didier.

Columeau, P. (2002). Alimentation carnée en Gaule du Sud (VIIe av. J.-C.-XIVe s.) (Travaux du centre Camille Julian 29). Aix-en-Provence.

Columeau, P. (2002). 'Production et consommation de la viande: approche de quelques singularités du littoral méditerranéen, de l’âge du Fer à l’Antiquité romaine', in M.-C. Amouretti and G. Comet. (eds), Agriculture méditerranéenne. Variété des techniques anciennes. (Cahier d'histoire des techniques 5). Aix-en-Provence.

Deschler-Erb, S. and Breuer, G. (2002). 'La crise de l’Empire romain au IIIe s. après J.-C. : les données archéozoologiques en Suisse du Nord', in Equilibres et ruptures dans les écosystèmes durant les 20 derniers millénaires en Europe de l’Ouest, vol. 3. Besançon, 281-90.

Duval, C., Horard-Herbin, M.-P., and Lepetz, S. (2013). 'Morphological changes in domestic cattle in Gaul, from the second century BC to the fifth century AD: diversity of herds in the Seine valley (France) and northern Gaul', Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 3977-90.

Duval, C., Lepetz, S., and Horard-Herbin, M.-P. (2012). 'Diversité des cheptels et diversification des morphotypes bovins dans le tiers nord-ouest des Gaules entre la fin de l’âge du Fer et la période romaine', Gallia 69.2: 79-114.

Duval, C., Lepetz, S., Horard-Herbin, M.-P., and Cucchi, T. (2015). 'Did Romanization impact Gallic pig morphology? New insights from molar geometric morphometrics', Journal of Archaeological Science 57: 345-54.

Ervynck, A. and Vanderhoeven, A. (1997). 'Tongeren (Belgium): changing patterns of meat consumption in a roman civitas capital', in M. Kokabi and J. Wahl (eds), Proceedings of the 7th ICAZ Conference. (Anthropozoologica 25-26). 457-64.

Forest, V. (2008). 'Le IIIe s. ap. J.-C. en Narbonnaise languedocienne d’après quelques indices archéozoologiques', in El camp al segle III. De Septimi Sever a la Tatrarquia. (Estudis sobre el món rural dèpoca romana 3). Girona, 189-208.

Forest, V. and Rodet-Belarbi, I. (1998). 'Ostéométrie du métatarse des bovins en Gaule de la Conquête romaine à l’Antiquité Tardive', Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire 149.11: 1033-56.

Forest, V. and Rodet-Belardi, I. (2002). 'À propos de la corpulence des bovins en France durant les périodes historiques', Gallia 59: 273-306.

Gardeisen, A. (2003). 'Bouchées archéozoologiques', in M. Bats (ed.), Peuples et territoires en Gaule méditerranéenne: Hommage à Guy Barruol. (Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise supplément 35). Montpellier, 411-20.

Lauwerier, R. (1988). Animals in Roman Times in the Dutch Eastern River Area (Nederlands Oudheden 12/1). Amersfoort.

Le Blay, J.-C., Lepetz, S., and Yvinec, J.-H. (1997). 'L’élevage dans l’Antiquité tardive en Île-de-France', in P. Ouzoulias and P. Van Ossel (eds), Les campagnes de l’Île-de-France de Constantin à Clovis, Actes de la 2e journée du Colloque de Paris, 14 et 15 mars 1996. (Document de travail 3). Paris, 50-67.

Leguilloux, M. (1989). 'La faune des villae gallo-romaines dans le Var. Aspects économiques et sociaux', Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 22: 311-22.

Leguilloux, M. and Lepez, S. (1996). 'L’élevage en Narbonnaise et en Gaule du nord: continuités ou ruptures', in J.-L. Fiches (ed.), Le IIIe siècle en Gaule Narbonnaise. Données régionales sur la crise de l’Empire, Actes de la table ronde du GDR 954, Aix-en-Provence, La Baume, 15-16 septembre 1995. Sophia Antipolis, 257-75.

Lepetz, S. (1996). L’animal dans la Société Gallo-Romain de la France du Nord (Revue archéologique de Picardie Numéro spécial 12). Amiens.

Lepetz, S., et al. (2002). 'L'agriculture et l'élevage en France septentrionale de l’âge du Fer à l’an mil. Approches archéozoologique et carpologique', in Bibliothèque d'Histoire Rurales. Rennes, 77-108.

Lepetz, S. and Oueslati, T. (2003). 'La consummation de viande dans les villes romaines d’Île-de-France au Ier siècle: les cas de Meaux et de Paris (Seine-et-Marne et Seine)', Revue archéologique du Centre de la France 42: 41-59.

Lepetz, S. and Yvinec, J.-H. (2002). 'Présence d'espèces animales d'origine méditerranéennes en France du nord aux périodes romaine et médiévale: actions anthropiques et mouvements naturels', in A. Gardeisen (ed.), Mouvements ou déplacements de populations animales en Méditerranée au cours de l'Holocène. (British Archaeological Report S1017). Oxford, 33-42.

Luff, R.-M. (1982). A Zooarchaeological Study of the Roman North-Western Provinces (British Archaeological Reports International Series 137). Oxford.

Oueslati, T. (2005). 'Les ossements animaux, l’archéozoologie et les professions de l’alimentation dans le Nord de la Gaule romaine', Revue du Nord-Archéologie de la Picardie et du Nord de la France 87: 175-83.

Oueslati, T. (2006). Approche archéozoologique des modes d’acquisition, de transformation et de consommation des ressources animales dans le contexte urbain gallo-romain de Lutèce (Paris, France) (British Archaeological Reports International Series S1479). Oxford.

Oueslati, T. and Cronier, C. (2014). 'La diversité morphologique du porc en tant qu’indicateur des mécanismes de gestion de l’élevage porcin et de l’approvisionnement des villes romaines. Apport de l’analyse du contour des troisièmes molaires inférieures du porc', in X. Deru and R. González Villaescusa (eds), Consommer dans les campagnes de la Gaule romaine. Actes du Xe congrès de l’Association AGER. (Revue du Nord, Hors série. Collection Art et Archéologie 21). Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 151-4.

Peters, J. (1998). Römische Tierhaltung und Tierzucht: eine Synthese aus archäozoologischer Untersuchung und schriftlich-bildlicher Überlieferung. Rahden (Westf.).

Pigière, F. (2009). Evolution de l'économie alimentaire et des pratiques d'élevage de l'Antiquité au haut Moyen Age en Gaule du nord. Une étude régionale sur la zone limoneuse de la Moyenne Belgique et du sud des Pays-Bas (British Archaeological Reports International Series 2035). Oxford.

Vanderhoeven, A. and Ervynck, A. (2007). 'Not in my back yard? The industry of secondary animal products within the Roman civitas capital of Tongeren (Belgium)', in R. Hingley and S. Willis (eds), Promoting Roman Finds: Context and theory. Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Durham, July 2002. Oxford, 156-75.



de Grossi Mazzorin, J. (1985). 'Reperti faunistici dall'acropoli di Populonia: testimonianze di allevamento e caccia nel III secolo a.C.', Rassengna di Archeologia 4: 131-71.

de Grossi Mazzorin, J. (1996). 'Horse remains in Italy from the Eneolithic to the Roman period', in C. Peretto and C. Giunchi (eds), Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Forlì (Italia) 8-14 September 1996, vol. 6. Forlí, 87-92.

de Grossi Mazzorin, J. (2001). 'Archaeozoology and habitation models: from a subsistence to a productive economy in central Italy.' In From Huts to Houses: Transformations of ancient societies, edited by J. R. Brandt and L. Karlsson, 323-30. Stockholm.

MacKinnon, M. (2001). 'High on the hog: linking zooarchaeological, literary, and artistic data for pig breeds in Roman Italy ', American Journal of Archaeology 105.4: 649-73.

MacKinnon, M. (2004). Production and Consumption of Animals in Roman Italy: Integrating the zooarchaeological and textual evidence (Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series 54). Portsmouth.

MacKinnon, M. (2004). 'The role of caprines in Roman Italy: idealized and realistic reconstructions using ancient textual and zooarchaeological data ' In PECUS. Man and Animal in Antiquity. Proceedings of the conference at the Swedish Institute in Rome, September 9-12, 2002, edited by B. Santillo Frizell, 54-60. Rome.

MacKinnon, M. (2007). 'Osteological research in Classical Archaeology', American Journal of Archaeology 111.3: 473-504.

MacKinnon, M. (2007). 'Osteological research in Classical Archaeology: extended bibliography', American Journal of Archaeology 111.3: Online Publications.

MacKinnon, M. (2010). 'Cattle breed variation and improvement in Roman Italy: connecting the zooarchaeological and ancient textual evidence', World Archaeology 42.1: 55-73.

Riedel, A. (1994). 'Archeozoological investigations in north-eastern Italy: the exploitation of animals since the Neolithic', Preistoria Alpina 30: 43-94.


Greece and Central and Eastern Europe

Bökönyi, S. (1984). Animal Husbandry and Hunting in Tác-Gorsium: The vertebrate fauna of a Roman town in Pannonia (Studia archaeologica 8). Budapest.

Jameson, M. H. (1988). 'Sacrifice and animal husbandry in Classical Greece', in C. R. Whitakker (ed.), Pastoral Economies in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge, 87-119.

MacKinnon, M. (2014). 'Animals, economics, and culture in the Athenian agora: comparative zooarchaeological investigations', Hesperia 83.2: 189-255.

Mylona, D. (2008). Fish-eating in Greece from the Fifth Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D. (British Archaeological Reports International Series 1754). Oxford.

Payne, S. (1985). 'Zoo-archaeology in Greece: a reader's guide', in N. C. Wilkie and W. D. E. Coulson (eds), Contributions to Aegean Archaeology: Studies in Honor of William A. McDonald. (Publications in Ancient Studies 1). Minn, 211-44.

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Asia Minor and the Levant

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North Africa

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